Friday, October 31, 2008

Composition in Blue - J H Pierneef (1928)

The Bushveld - J H Pierneef (1948)

Common Coral Tree - Erythrina lysistemon

Shepherd's Tree - Boscia albitrunca

Transvaal Milkplum - Bequaertiodendron magalismontaum

Transvaal Beech - Faurea saligna

Natal Fig - Ficus natalensis

Fever Tree - Acacia xanthophloea

Transvaal Beech - Faurea saligna

Banana Tree - Strelititzia caudata

Sausage tree - Kigelia africana

Broad-leaved Coral Tree (Erythrina latissima)

Broom Cluster Fig - Ficus sur

Kei-apple (Dovyalis caffra)

Common Cabbage Tree - Cusonia spicata

Fruit of the Spine-leaved Monkey Orange (Strychnos pungens)

Flowers of the Umbrella Thorn (Acacia tortilis)

Flowers of (the Camel Thorn (Acacia erioloba)

Flowers of the Plate Thorn (Acaci melifera)

Flowers of the Sweet Thorn (Acacia karroo)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fever Tree (Acacia xanthaphloea)

Midwinter Acacia-veld Sunrise

Plate Thorn - Acacia mellifera

Scented Thorn - Acacia nilotica

Blue Thorn - Acacia erubescens

Red Thorn - Acacia gerrardii

Ana Tree - Faidherbia albida (Acacia albida)

Knobthorn (Acacia nigrescens)

Flat-crown - Albizia adiathifolia

Fever Tree (Acacia xanthaphloea)

Camel Thorn - Acacia erioloba miniature sheet

Acacia species of Bophuthatswana

Paperbark Thorn - Acacia sieberiana

Candle Thorn - Acacia hebeclada

Sweet Thorn - Acacia karroo